Registering by Check or Money Order To order by check, please fill out and mail the following form, along with your payment. You can pay with a wide variety of cash from different countries but at present if you pay via check, it must be a check drawn in US Dollars. While there is the risk of loss in the mail, currency is also OK, including foreign currency (I collect foreign banknotes). Please make sure you include your email address with your payment. That way I can send the registration code to you, so you must include your email address. If you do not send me a valid email address, I have no way to send you the file. [ ] I would like to register ____ copies of MultiMode, at $45 US per copy. Name: ___________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________ City: _______________________ State/Province:_________________ ZIP/Postal Code: __________________ Country: ___________________ Email Address: ______________________________________________ Macintosh Model: _______________________ System Version: _________ Enclosed, please find my check / money order / cash in the amount of $_______ Mail this form, along with payment, to: Chris Smolinski 4708 Trail Court Westminster, MD 21158 USA